

Memorials » Rocco LaVango

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Rocco LaVango

May 2, 2022

Burial Date May 2, 2022


Memorial Viewed 1650 times

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Rocco LaVango


Our sweet boy Rocco, 04/20/2005 – 05/02/2022, you filled our lives with so much happiness the last two decades. You were more than a pet, you were family and our whole world. Going everywhere we went, from the parks and playgrounds, to garden centers and coffee shops. Everyone who met you loved you. From your attention getting “handstands” to your sweet little face. You were a little guy but had a big personality that was oh so clever, spunky and strong willed – it is truly unmatched and you could never be replaced.  We have so many wonderful memories together and of you, how you loved playing hide and go-seek, enjoyed us chasing and trying to catch you in the yard (you were very agile and so fast), laying in the sun to sunbathe any chance you could get, halting to catch the scents brought with a warm breeze, smelling anything and everything (smelling was your favorite) snuggling and enjoying riding in the car with us at every opportunity.  And of course your Houdini like act of learning how to open your crate and letting yourself out!!

To us being sure you always had your favorite foods, Trader Joe’s chicken jerky and sweet potatoes, corn on the cob, watermelon and a puppachino and pumpkin loaf from Starbucks. Your companionship and presence will immensely be missed from our lives.

We would do anything for you. We know you know how much we love you. You are no longer there to wait and greet us when we walk through the door and our lives are now forever changed. We are not sure how to go on without you…we can only wait to see your sweet little face again.

We loved you your whole life and we will miss you each and every day for the rest of ours.

Forever in our hearts – our little buddy, little man, baby bear, hun bun, pumpkin, peanut, Rocco Taco, Little Roc and Rocco Von Schnauzer.