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Princess Depamphilis

November 10, 2021 - January 31, 2024

Burial Date February 1, 2024


Memorial Viewed 478 times

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The Birth of Princess: Princess was born on November 10th 2021 in Scranton,
PA. She was a very friendly, brave, outgoing, and unique Guinea Pig. We don’t
know a lot about her birth history, but that her breed was Abyssinian. But what we
do know is how we met her for the very first time and how much we cared and
loved her. But what we didn’t know was that over time we would find out that this
guinea pig would turn out to be very special. And now I like to tell you the story of
Princess's life.
January 27, 2022: A friend and I went in search of a guinea pig. We decided to
check one last place out since it was getting late. So, we went into this little store
and looked to see if there were any guinea pigs around. And while I was walking
near the glass window. In the blink of an eye, I saw this little white-haired guinea
pig with other guinea pigs running around. I immediately started to feel this warm
feeling in my heart and that something took my breath away when I kept looking at
her. I found her to be so adorable that in the end I chose her and asked if I could
hold her. The poor little thing looked like she had been through a lot because her
one ear was a little different and I love different. When I finally got the hold her in
my arms for the very first time. I knew right then she was the one and that she was
coming home with me. I signed the papers and that was the day I adopted her.
Winter/Spring 2022: When Princess was a pup, she was given a big guinea pig
cage to live in. I made sure to give her all the attention she deserved over her
But Princess wasn’t just any normal guinea pig. You could easily pick her up, and
put her on a blanket while she was on your lap, she would then go crazy and roll all
over her blanket! When she and I spent quality together watching shows on TV.
She was always an explorer. She used to run in her big guinea pig playbox
everywhere. I remember the first time when we got her first playbox. She even
tried one day to somehow jump out of her playbox and land on my lap while I was
sitting on the couch! That’s when I knew I had a super brave and very special
guinea pig!
There even came a time too that we decided to give her a green pepper and she
loved them so much! Every time you gave her one, she would take it out of your
hand immediately and would give us the brat piggy look. Her personality was very
humorous and she was adorable.

Summer 2022: Summer was finally here. This is when Princess was starting to get
a little bigger over time. There were many days I was working on my college work
at home online. But whenever I would have a break. I would watch her just play,
run around in her big cage, and simply come up to the cage to greet me. I started to
get ideas just by observing what she did. Then I had this idea. I remember drawing
her for the very first time for one of my big final college projects. And eventually,
over time I got this very interesting idea to create her as a cartoon character. Which
eventually led to her being the main star on my streams online.
People online would tune into streams to watch Princess Online. They would
always admire her for how adorable she looked, her big sweet personality, and how
she acted like a Princess. She was a big inspiration to everybody and that’s what
we loved about Princess.
Happy Birthday: I still remember the day when Princess became a year old and
we celebrated her first birthday. She loved eating watermelon on her birthday. She
was the happiest piggy in the world on that special day. And eventually, she and I
got our first picture together. It was one of the happiest days for Princess and I was
so happy to be with her on her special day.
The New Year 2023: Princess was a full-grown Guinea Pig around this time. But
over time I was starting to tell that Princess was getting a little bored easily. She
wasn’t doing too much in her cage like she used to do. She seemed like she was
starting to show signs of loneliness. Which wasn’t like her at all. I started to think
what I could do to help my piggy and then it clicked in my head! I felt that she
might need a sister in her life.
March 10th, 2023: The special day came for Princess. We finally got to bring
home her adopted sister Piglet the Guinea Pig. At first, Princess wasn’t sure what
to think of Piglet. But then eventually over time the two became bonded to one
another. Princess had many good times with her sister Piglet and was very happy to
have somebody in her life. However, Princess did have her moments when she felt
like she had to be the boss and when she wasn’t too patient with Piglet. Princess
sure knew how to act like a princess. Hahaha, at least she did get to have someone
in her life until the very end.
June 8th, 2023: This was probably the first time Princess ever became sick. I
knew something was wrong because she wasn’t acting like herself.
Especially when we found out that Princess was diagnosed with Ammonia and
what we didn’t know is that her illness would go on for a very long time.

There would be days that we thought that she was getting better but then there
were other days that we knew that she was starting to fight it off again. It even got
to a point that we had to run her to the vet’s multiple times throughout those many
months. It even got to a point where we had the travel more and we decided to see
an exotic vet. The one thing that stuck in the back of my mind was when the vet
had determined, she had a 50% chance of living. But regardless she was a fighter
and she never stopped moving she kept going through the Summer, Fall, and
Winter and she made it in time for Christmas. Probably one of the best Christmas
we ever had and knowing she was around to stay with us a little bit longer.
The New Year 2024: It was the beginning of a new year. But this new year would
be a very rough one since we knew that Princess was getting worse over time. One
of the many things we did for her was to check on her daily. Princess was not
herself. But she wasn’t giving up without a fight. She kept moving every day as
much as she could and never gave up. Then unexpected happened.
January 31st, 2024: I never thought the day would come but we knew Princess
was getting close to the end of her life. Princess was not moving a lot and not
herself. Even her sister Piglet had squeaked at me when she was near Princess
because she knew something was not right with her sister and Piglet doesn’t
normally squeak like that. We had provided Princess a warm bed to lay on, gave
her some spinach, and her favorite pink blanket to keep warm, and told her we
loved her so much. I stayed in the room with her for the longest time knowing it
could be any time. Around 5:30 PM ET. Princess had taken her last breaths and
passed away. She fought hard until the very end.

In loving memory of Princess:
The memories of Princess will never go away in my heart. I still will always
remember the days when she and I would play together, or even the day I got to
bring her home for the very first time, even the first day when I gave her first bath
and she loved every moment of it. Giving her first green pepper and loving it from
day one. Princess even got to travel with me, something that not many guinea pigs
would ever have the opportunity to do just to see what the world was like on the
other side. Princess wasn’t just some Guinea Pig. Princess was an inspiration to
everyone around the world, she was loved by so many others and she will always
be remembered forever. Rest in Peace Princess.

We would like to thank friends, family, and everyone online who supported us
during Princess’s passing. We also like to thank Cherished Companions Pet
Memorial Center for reassuring us that Princess would be handled with utmost care
and providing us a private room to honor the memory of Princess. Thank you